Monday, March 28, 2011
Experimenting with evolution
LOOK AROUND YOU. The world is brimming with the diversity of life. The great assortment of species is so much a part of our world that we take it for granted. It’s easy to say that diversity results from the theory of evolution and be done with it. But why is there such a wide gamut of life and how does diversification actually unfold? The question isn’t ‘Does evolution happen?’ but rather ‘How does evolution happen?’
When we look back in time we see that evolution has been punctuated by bursts of spectacularly rapid diversification during which many new species suddenly appeared. This process (called adaptive radiation) is very fast compared to the usually steady march of evolution, but it’s still too slow for scientific study.
The researcher
Rees Kassen is the University of Ottawa’s Research Chair in Experimental Evolution. When it comes down to it, Kassen wants to know the answer to a straightforward question: Why are there so many different kinds of living things in the world?
The project
To study the process of biodiversity, Kassen needs to watch evolution take place in his laboratory. He can do this by studying microbes. Since microbes live for only a short time, Kassen can observe changes that occur over generations in only a matter of days. This makes microbes an ideal model for studying adaptive evolution.
The key
When Kassen places colonies of microbes in a beaker of nutrient-rich broth, the colonies choose to live at the centre where there’s the most food. Early on the colony is smooth and round. After a while, resources become scarcer and competition becomes more fierce. Some of the colonies realize that if they stop fighting for control of the centre and move to the fringes they will have an ecological niche all to themselves. And so some colonies fall to the bottom of the beaker where they evolve into brush-shaped colonies. Others rise to the top where they change into very wrinkly colonies.
The new ecosystem offers the microbes opportunities to specialize and to a certain extent determines the form of the diversity. On the other hand, it is competition for resources that drives the specialization. Kassen suspects that these two factors cause adaptive radiation to occur quickly and helps explain why diversification happens in bursts.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Blowing shit up, science style
by Tyler Shendruk
RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN technology have allowed scientists to accelerate electrons in ways that create high-energy, extremely bright, and short laser pulses. Before the invention of these lasers, scientists could not study how high-intensity ultraviolet and X-ray light interacts with matter. Now that such lasers exist, everybody’s dying to know what happens when you blast stuff with short, high-intensity, high-energy laser beams.
The obvious answer is that you blow shit up, and that’s cool and all, but the potential applications of these beams are much greater than that. High-intensity ultraviolet and X-ray lasers might be able to image materials that are currently challenging to study. But before scientists can use these lasers, they have to understand this completely unexplored area of light-matter interaction.
The researcher
Lora Ramunno studies computational photonics at the University of Ottawa. Using her parallel supercomputer (equivalent to about 600 desktops), Ramunno studies nonlinear optical imaging and the interaction between matter and intense laser beams.
The project
Ramunno decided to look at how tiny clusters of matter interact with a high-intensity laser pulse by simulating each and every one of the atoms. When atoms are hit by a photon of light there is some probability that they will absorb the photon and eject one of their electrons. This leaves the atom as a positively charged ion. At every step of her simulation, Ramunno’s computer program must stop and evaluate the quantum probabilities that give these rates before it can move on to the next step.
The key
Before the laser blows up the cluster of atoms, electrons escape from their atomic orbitals and the cluster becomes a plasma. The first few electrons that are ejected simply fly away and leave behind a charged cluster of ions. However, the electrons emitted later find themselves in this charged environment that they can’t escape from.
These electrons are free to zip around, but can’t leave the cluster, and from time to time they collide with unionized atoms. They usually don’t have enough energy to free an orbiting electron from the atom they collided with, but they can excite one of the atom’s electrons up to higher energy. Ramunno found that if a second free electron collides with the same atom that had been energized by an earlier collision, it has a better chance of releasing the orbiting electron. When pairs of free electrons work together like this the cluster charges more quickly than if the laser didn’t have any help and so the cluster explodes in a shorter period of time. Ramunno calls this process Augmented Collision Ionization.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Beating bromine
by Tyler Shendruk
THE QUANTUM WORLD works quite contrary to our own concrete and everyday existence. When we are first taught about atoms, we are shown a solar system-like model with electrons orbiting the nucleus like planets orbit the sun. But physicists have known for nearly a hundred years that this picture is too simple.
Electrons are both a particle and a wave at the same time. So electrons shouldn’t just be thought of like planets, but also like a vibrating guitar string. These so-called wavefunctions can be experimentally probed and scientists understand them very well. But for more complicated molecules—combinations of more than just one atom—it becomes very difficult to directly see that theory and reality are the same.
The researcher
On top of being a professor in the physics department at the University of Ottawa, Paul Corkum heads the Attosecond Science Laboratory at the National Research Council. He is renowned for using a laser pulse to accelerate an electron out of its atom, turn the electron around, and drive it back into its orbital. When the electron recollides with the atom, short bursts of light are given off that tells Corkum about the environment in which the electron settles.
Using very short laser pulses, Corkum was able to take a high definition snap shot of the quantum cloud that defines where the electrons are around the atom.
The project
Taking high-resolution pictures of quantum orbitals is one thing, but filming a movie of the wavefunctions during a chemical reaction is another altogether. And yet, this is exactly the challenge Corkum set for his lab. Using the same technology he invented for imaging orbitals, Corkum wanted to watch a single molecule of bromine disassociate into two separate bromine atoms.
The key
Corkum blasted bromine gas with blue light. Blue is exactly the right colour to excite bromine molecules. Immediately after the blue light excites the bromine, the short laser pulse that knocks an electron out and drives it back in is shot at the gas.
Corkum saw that the blue light had not excited all the bromine molecules. This turned out to be an advantage since the resulting bursts of light from the recollision of the excited and the non-excited molecules mixed into beats.
The non-excited bromine acted exactly like a tuning fork: Corkum could use the beating between the bursts of light from molecules of bromine and from excited, separate atoms to see the difference between the two.
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