Tuesday, June 19, 2012

LEED at the University of Ottawa

by Tyler Shendruk
Published: Jan 11
as an inset to Christopher Radojewski's
Social sciences under one roof

THE LEADERSHIP IN Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a rating system for judging green construction projects. Buildings are given a total of 100 possible points assessing the sustainability of the chosen site, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere impact, materials and resources used, quality of indoor environment, and 10 bonus points for innovative design and regional priority.

The number of achieved points gives the structure a grade:
Certified: 40–49
Silver: 50–59
Gold 60–79
Platinum: 79+

In 2008, the University of Ottawa’s Campus Sustainability Office pledged all new and retrofitted buildings would achieve Silver rating or higher.

What makes it green?

Green wall (also called a living wall).
One huge wall of the atrium will be entirely covered with vegetation and act as a natural air filter.

Heat recovery ventilation system 

Even with the green wall, some ventilation is needed, but exchanging warm indoor air with cold outdoor air (or vice versa) is a waste of energy. By processing the air before it leaves or enters the building, the ventilation system will keep 90 per cent of its heat.

Green roofs 

Three of the roofs will be covered in growth. This follows a strong tradition: The Colonel By building, built 40 years ago, was one of the first green roofs on a Canadian campus.

Data furnace 

The tower is designed to receive 80 per cent of its heat from local campus computers.

Natural light 

Only five per cent of the tower will require lighting. The rest will be naturally lit.

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